hey everyone!
well its the first wednesday of camp! pretty cool. having lots an lots of fun! the kids are pretty awesome, they love me an jess for our aussie accents! lol.
starting to get into my job. has been a bit stressful lately...erin an i have been making the staff trading cards, which we're hoping to have in store by the end of the week! (fingers crossed!) but we will see! this first week will be the hardest i think as everyone figures out how to do things and gets into a system! dustin, erin an i (all the media people) are all rookies, but were having fun, so thats ok!
had my day off yesterday. was so much fun! went into town with christina, christina an shanda. just had a girls day out, shopping, coffee, dinner an just having a good time! was the best time! (my day off is still goin...i dont have to be anywhere till 9 so i just thought that id write a blog up for yall before goin for a run. im telling you, i really need to stop eating baker johns food otherwise ill blow up like a balloon!!! hehe
im really really loving it here...everyone is just so so nice, and theirs somthing else here that is so cool that everyone has, like a purpose to everything, an a reason for being. and the fact that we are all here for one specific reason is just so awesome. the kids are really really lucky to have a staff team like this!
well id better run! (literally!) so that my clothes will actually fit me! hehe,
luv you all lots an lots, an hope that you all have a great time!
your lella
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
hey every1
havin a great time, makin lots of new friends. been totally awesome! been learnin spanish!!! luv it :D an teachin ppl to talk with an aussie accent...no1 can! hehe keeps me highly amused tho.
well id beta go, were goin 2 starbucks! woo hoo! luv yas all...have a gr8 time!
luv smelly lelley
havin a great time, makin lots of new friends. been totally awesome! been learnin spanish!!! luv it :D an teachin ppl to talk with an aussie accent...no1 can! hehe keeps me highly amused tho.
well id beta go, were goin 2 starbucks! woo hoo! luv yas all...have a gr8 time!
luv smelly lelley
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Big Lake Youth Camp
just thought that i should right somthin up before i get into trouble! lol
well i am having an AWESOME time here! every1 is sooo nice an im making heaps of friends, all the girls in my department are really nice, an every1 else is as well. so cool, really startin to feel a part of the big lake family!
we had a great sabbath 2day. every department picked a scripture an either made a drama, song or art work. was heaps fun! then we all went exploring, jess an i went with kimmy an her sis, an half the guys. was so much fun, we went to some falls, forgotten the name, but its the falls where part of homewood bounds was made. was totally cool, kimmy an jess went under the waterfall and had a shower, an me an peter went right up the top an stood in the middle of the falls. totally tight.
we had softball tryouts the other day. jess an i are on the giants! theres 4 teams. so its pretty cool. i got aussie as my name an jess got oi oi oi, so gonna b fun!
weve been doin lots of work assignments, but 2morro we get 2 go into town, so pretty excited bout that. you wouldnt believe how much snow thats still around. tho alot of it has melted theres still huge piles a couple of feet deep around. hopefully it will be gone by the time the campers get here. still is really cold, borrowing lots of jumpers (sorry sweatshirts) but its finally started to warm up.
well ive got 2 go an play blyc 4 way volleyball (should be interesting!)
luv you all lots an lots!
luv lelle
just thought that i should right somthin up before i get into trouble! lol
well i am having an AWESOME time here! every1 is sooo nice an im making heaps of friends, all the girls in my department are really nice, an every1 else is as well. so cool, really startin to feel a part of the big lake family!
we had a great sabbath 2day. every department picked a scripture an either made a drama, song or art work. was heaps fun! then we all went exploring, jess an i went with kimmy an her sis, an half the guys. was so much fun, we went to some falls, forgotten the name, but its the falls where part of homewood bounds was made. was totally cool, kimmy an jess went under the waterfall and had a shower, an me an peter went right up the top an stood in the middle of the falls. totally tight.
we had softball tryouts the other day. jess an i are on the giants! theres 4 teams. so its pretty cool. i got aussie as my name an jess got oi oi oi, so gonna b fun!
weve been doin lots of work assignments, but 2morro we get 2 go into town, so pretty excited bout that. you wouldnt believe how much snow thats still around. tho alot of it has melted theres still huge piles a couple of feet deep around. hopefully it will be gone by the time the campers get here. still is really cold, borrowing lots of jumpers (sorry sweatshirts) but its finally started to warm up.
well ive got 2 go an play blyc 4 way volleyball (should be interesting!)
luv you all lots an lots!
luv lelle
Monday, June 12, 2006
HEY every1!!!
just lettin yall no that we have safely arrived in Portland! took a long time gettin here an we're both extremely tired (sleepin on planes an on the floor in the terminals isnt the most comfortable places 2 sleep!) so neither of us got that much sleep!
cant believe how beautiful it is here in Portland! im in love with it already an ive only spent a few hrs here! cant wait 2 c wat big lake will be like!
its been rainin here, even had a bit of a thunderstorm! was warm rain, but its still not very warm! but summer should b upon us soon!
we head down 2 big lake on wed, so not much time 2 get over the jet lag an in portland time but were doin our best! every1 here is so friendly! tho i think they just want 2 hear us talk so they can listen 2 our accents!!! lol but i can tell that we're goin 2 have a fantastic time!
well id better run! luv u all lots an lots!
ur lella
just lettin yall no that we have safely arrived in Portland! took a long time gettin here an we're both extremely tired (sleepin on planes an on the floor in the terminals isnt the most comfortable places 2 sleep!) so neither of us got that much sleep!
cant believe how beautiful it is here in Portland! im in love with it already an ive only spent a few hrs here! cant wait 2 c wat big lake will be like!
its been rainin here, even had a bit of a thunderstorm! was warm rain, but its still not very warm! but summer should b upon us soon!
we head down 2 big lake on wed, so not much time 2 get over the jet lag an in portland time but were doin our best! every1 here is so friendly! tho i think they just want 2 hear us talk so they can listen 2 our accents!!! lol but i can tell that we're goin 2 have a fantastic time!
well id better run! luv u all lots an lots!
ur lella
Sunday, June 11, 2006
how r yall? well jess an i are sitting in hong kong airport, we just enjoyed a great meal (lot better than the plane food i tell you!) an we both have free internet access for 30 mins so i thought id write to you all! the plane trip was long an boring! couldnt sleep, mainly because the old couple sitting in front of us! lol oh well. have a 12 hour flight in front of us where we are planning on getting alot of sleep! (hopefully!) funny as it may sound it still doesnt seem like we're going any where, just kind of strange really.
im really sorry for not tellin people when 2 b at the airport 2 c us off! i ran outa credit an havin left everything to the last possible minute (as usual!) didnt get 2 call u all. but mina, tim an warwick im really glad u guys were their!
hong kong is rather humid, and we haven't even gone outside! lol very artistic airport to!
by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON!!! sorry that i didnt get to see you or come 2 ur party! but im sure ull all try to have fun without me! lol nah hope u had a gr8 day boy! ur an adult! feel old? ;P an HAPPY BIRTHDAY tim an georgie 4 friday!!! hope u party hard for me! lol wish i was their to go out with u an warwick tim! course its not goin to b the same without me their! an have an awesome time at ur party georgie! enjoy all the hot guys! ;P wish i was their 2!
mina an v, look afta each other 4 me! an i want u 2 go out! ya hear me? just coz im not their 2 organise ya! hehe. an v make sure loren behaves himself! if he dont just slap him round!
an tim, have an AWESOME time in SA!!! :D course u will but! an v have a fantastic time travellin round europe! an dont worry mina we have our trip next yr 2 look 4wards 2!
well i luv ya all lots an lots! mum an dad hope ur not feelin 2 lost without ur baby! hehe luv yas all!!!
ur lella
how r yall? well jess an i are sitting in hong kong airport, we just enjoyed a great meal (lot better than the plane food i tell you!) an we both have free internet access for 30 mins so i thought id write to you all! the plane trip was long an boring! couldnt sleep, mainly because the old couple sitting in front of us! lol oh well. have a 12 hour flight in front of us where we are planning on getting alot of sleep! (hopefully!) funny as it may sound it still doesnt seem like we're going any where, just kind of strange really.
im really sorry for not tellin people when 2 b at the airport 2 c us off! i ran outa credit an havin left everything to the last possible minute (as usual!) didnt get 2 call u all. but mina, tim an warwick im really glad u guys were their!
hong kong is rather humid, and we haven't even gone outside! lol very artistic airport to!
by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON!!! sorry that i didnt get to see you or come 2 ur party! but im sure ull all try to have fun without me! lol nah hope u had a gr8 day boy! ur an adult! feel old? ;P an HAPPY BIRTHDAY tim an georgie 4 friday!!! hope u party hard for me! lol wish i was their to go out with u an warwick tim! course its not goin to b the same without me their! an have an awesome time at ur party georgie! enjoy all the hot guys! ;P wish i was their 2!
mina an v, look afta each other 4 me! an i want u 2 go out! ya hear me? just coz im not their 2 organise ya! hehe. an v make sure loren behaves himself! if he dont just slap him round!
an tim, have an AWESOME time in SA!!! :D course u will but! an v have a fantastic time travellin round europe! an dont worry mina we have our trip next yr 2 look 4wards 2!
well i luv ya all lots an lots! mum an dad hope ur not feelin 2 lost without ur baby! hehe luv yas all!!!
ur lella
Monday, June 05, 2006

luv lelle
Thursday, June 01, 2006
10 DAYS!!!!
10 DAYS 2 GO!!!!! very excitin news i no! hehe. well i just thought that id let u no a little bit bout the trip an where were goin an wat were doin b4 we go so that i dont have 2 explain all that while were travellin an dont have easy access to the internet!!! so heres wats happenin!
just in case u didnt no...Jess lang an i r goin 2 da beautiful USA 4 3 months. the 1st 2 months we are goin 2 b in Sisters, Oregon at the biggest SDA summer camps in the world!!! (they have 95 staff an over 1300 kids over those 8 weeks!!!) so while were at big lake, i will b teachin all the kids how 2 take good photos an videos. which im extremely stoked bout coz i love photography!!! so thats gonna b awesome fun! we get a day off a week where we get internet access...so u only need 2 check this once a week!!! :D
after the summer camps were spendin a couple of days in Portland, Oregon recoverin!!! b4 flyin out 2 toronto canada!!! where were spendin a grand total of 4 days. an get 2 go 2 the beautiful Niagra falls!!! we are then flyin down 2 NYC where we are spendin only a couple of days before catchin the train down 2 gainsville georgia!!! my beautiful ol home town!!!! (i lived in gainsville with my family 4 a yr if ya didnt no!) where we will b stayin 4 1 week, goin 2 stone mountain, negro church!! ;D base ball game an lotsa other fun stuff!! before flyin out 2 colorado springs 4 a few days b4 movin on 2 LAS VEGAS!!! where were hopefully goin 2 b flyin ova the grand canyon an hoover dam an get 2 c all the shows on the strip!!! unfortunately we are underage :( but well still have a ball!!! an our last stop is the gr8 LA! :D where we get 2 c hollywood an all the other gr8 sites!!!
an that is all that we managed 2 fit in2 this trip!!! lol so their u go. u now no the rough plan of wat were doin, but that doesnt mean that u now dont have 2 read this!!! coz im sure that therell b lotsa cool stuff ill wana tell u all!!! hehe well i think thats enof 4 now dont u?!!! luv yas all lots an lots!!!!
luv lelle
just in case u didnt no...Jess lang an i r goin 2 da beautiful USA 4 3 months. the 1st 2 months we are goin 2 b in Sisters, Oregon at the biggest SDA summer camps in the world!!! (they have 95 staff an over 1300 kids over those 8 weeks!!!) so while were at big lake, i will b teachin all the kids how 2 take good photos an videos. which im extremely stoked bout coz i love photography!!! so thats gonna b awesome fun! we get a day off a week where we get internet access...so u only need 2 check this once a week!!! :D
after the summer camps were spendin a couple of days in Portland, Oregon recoverin!!! b4 flyin out 2 toronto canada!!! where were spendin a grand total of 4 days. an get 2 go 2 the beautiful Niagra falls!!! we are then flyin down 2 NYC where we are spendin only a couple of days before catchin the train down 2 gainsville georgia!!! my beautiful ol home town!!!! (i lived in gainsville with my family 4 a yr if ya didnt no!) where we will b stayin 4 1 week, goin 2 stone mountain, negro church!! ;D base ball game an lotsa other fun stuff!! before flyin out 2 colorado springs 4 a few days b4 movin on 2 LAS VEGAS!!! where were hopefully goin 2 b flyin ova the grand canyon an hoover dam an get 2 c all the shows on the strip!!! unfortunately we are underage :( but well still have a ball!!! an our last stop is the gr8 LA! :D where we get 2 c hollywood an all the other gr8 sites!!!
an that is all that we managed 2 fit in2 this trip!!! lol so their u go. u now no the rough plan of wat were doin, but that doesnt mean that u now dont have 2 read this!!! coz im sure that therell b lotsa cool stuff ill wana tell u all!!! hehe well i think thats enof 4 now dont u?!!! luv yas all lots an lots!!!!
luv lelle
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