sorry it has been awhile lovelies! just having far too much fun. here is a quick update! :)
last weekend was camp meeting where i got to catch up with a couple of people from BLYC last time which was fabulous!! this week the weather has been pretty horrible, so while it was good for us to get a little break from work, it wasn't so much fun for the kids who couldn't do the activities that they had signed up to do, or the counselors who had to deal with them. and then the horses were acting up for the rest of the week which isn't so much fun for us. so keep us in your prayers for good weather! i don't need any more bruises or rope burns! otherwise still having a fabulous time- getting to know more of the staff which is fabulous, and makes for great days off. speaking of which we are having an Aussie day off this week! so so SO excited. its going to be nice to be able to speak and be understood. i can't believe how fast the summer is going, its crazy thats for sure! but with bonus weeks its still another 3 weeks of camp and then 30 days of travelling. :D so its not too bad when i look at it like that. although i have to admit to being a little homesick this past week (shock horror i know!!! please don't all die from shock) so if you have Viber on your phones (get it if you don't) you may get a random call or txt from me. :D
exciting news is that we are starting a rodeo here at Big Lake. i am completely over the moon about this and totally in my element planning it all out! but please keep us in your prayers as we practice certain things such as barrel racing, pole bending, jumping and vaulting. i wont explain the last one, just pray for safety and not too many bruises! but it is going to be fabulous! unfortunately i can't use any of my horses so i will be riding ones that are not overly familiar too me which makes it slightly more difficult. maybe by the end of the summer i will have our rescue horse ride-able as he would be brilliant if only he would stop shaking when people got on him and didn't try to take off. although he is getting much better, i get so angry when i see the whip scars on him, he is such a beautiful horse and loves cuddles to death! :) i will do my best to upload some pics soon, although our biglake internet haunt doesn't seem to allow me to upload pics i am sorry! i do try every week! but i will keep trying and hopefully this weeks D-O with real internet i will have a better chance!!
well love to you all. i must hurry to bed so i don't get caught by nightwatch and have to do early morning kitchen duty! hope you are all well and safe and sending lots of hugs and love your ways! xox