well lots of exciting stuff has been happening! ive been home from america for about 2 months now. i miss every one from BLYC more than i could possibly EVER say!!
luckily! Erin Abston. my partner in crime and media co-ordinator! an FANTASTIC friend who came down an spend 2 days going to universal studios an disneyland with the hilarious jess an katie savage! IS COMING TO PERTH!!! how brilliant an exciting is that?! so she will be here next year for a few totally AWESOME weeks!
but wait...theres more!!! i am currently sitting in my sisters dorm room at avondale college, waiting for my darling sister to come back with her brand new cast on her broken wrist (right hand- so shes gonna look like a complete dag trying to do everything with her left hand!) which she got after being pushed over during the last few minutes of her basketball game last night. (which her team unfortuantely lost by 3 points! which means they dont get to play in the finals)
so other than the great excitement of getting to stay and have a great time with my darling sister and aunty Q...
its on sat night. how totally AWESOME is that?
so im totally excited! an ill put pics up when i get home as soon as i can! but i have to go now coz my broken decrepit sister just arrived home from the doctor.
luv you all lots an lots!!
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