Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stage 3- Big Lake, snow, horses and friends

Well I have been here at Big Lake (BLYC) for 2 full days now (we arrived on sunday arvo). We started training with the horses monday morning and have done two full days and two evenings of Parelli training, which has been challenging but very useful and well sometimes fun! but i can really see the difference in the horses i was working with in the end! we get our horse assignments for the summer tomorrow, so wish me luck in getting Spice and Juneau! the two big goey girls. :) the wranglers are all really lovely, nicole and kelsey are darlings that Bek and I get along with fabulously! and it has been so amazingly good to catch up with old staff members!! though we're all pretty busy so i havn't had too much time to catch up with them all extensively yet. though that will happen soon i'm sure. tomomrrow the rest of the staff arrive, so then staff training really starts!! next sunday the kids arrive so that will be fun. really looking fowards to hitting up Bend (the second closest town an hour away- Sisters is only half an hour but doesn't have much in it) and bring on the Taco Bell and Red Robin!!

well hopefully soon (probably when I get into Bend) I will try and upload some pics to show you all the snow (we have an iceberg in the corral. and some of the snow is up to the roof!!) but its not as bad as i was expecting, though we do have alot of creeks running through camp! I havn't been brave enough to test the temperature of the water yet though!

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